Kamila Imomalieva
Teaching assistant: Imomalieva Kamila Maksudovna
Education: higher, in 2008 she graduated from the Tashkent Medical Academy, specializing in “medical business”.
2001-2008 – student of the bachelor degree of the Tashkent Medical Academy
2012-2015 – a student of the Master’s degree of the Tashkent Medical Academy in the direction of “Ophthalmology”
From 2015 to present – Assistant of the Department of Ophthalmology of the Tashkent Medical Academy
Master’s thesis: Improving and evaluating the effectiveness of treatment of bacterial conjunctivitis.
The main areas of practice:
• Therapeutic ophthalmology
• Glaucoma
• Uveit
• Myopia
• Phacoemulsification of cataracts
The main directions of scientific activity:
• Inflammatory diseases of the eye
For a list of publications, see the annex.
Ranks, awards, incentives:
• ARMA (American Register Medical Asistant of US) – 2009
• Certificate on the passage of the WETLAB cycle. Phacoemulsification of cataracts, Ufa, RF, 2016.
1. Модифицированная импрессионная цитология в диагностике бактериальных конъюнктивитов. // Инфекция,Иммунитети Фармакология. Тошкент №4 2014 й б.47-52
2. Морфометрические показатели цитологических исследований при бактериальном конъюнктивите . // “Офтальмологиянинг долзарб муаммолари ” Тошкент 2014 й б.24-25.
3. Improvement and evaluation of treatment effectiveness of bacterial conjunctivitis. // “ Young scientist day topical issues in medicine”.Ташкент 2014 й б.175-176.
4. Cytological analysis and improvement of treatment of bacterial conjunctivitis. // “ Young scientist day topical issues in medicine”. Ташкент 2015 й б.279.
5. Эффективность оптихрома в лечении сезонных конъюнктивитов у детей с бронхиальной астмой. // “Актуальные проблемы современной медицинской науки”. Самарқанд 2016 й. б.34.
6. “Кўрув майдонини аниқлаш”. // «Top Image Media» Тошкент 2016й. б.24-32 (39 б)